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NM-AIST is honored to host the Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign affairs and the Eas African Cooperations, Dr. Mwinyi Talib Haji during the Tanzania International Model United Nations (TIMUN 2020)

The event has gathered 180participants from Tanzania, Burundi, Kenya, Cameroon, Nigeria and UK. under the umbrella of Youth of the United Nations Association (YUNA) set to have their meeting at the NM-AIST from today 29th September to the 2nd of October 2020. During his introductory speech, the Vice Chancellor of the NM-AIST highlighted that through its teaching, research, and innovation activities NM-AIST feed to 12 of the Global Sustainable Development Goals including ending hunger, promoting self-employment through turning innovations into viable business products and services, sustainable energy, and supporting industrialization. Youth were asked to tap on the opportunity to study at the NM-AIST in order to have a remarkable impact on the SDGs.

NM-AIST declared Over all Winner among Education Institutions for NANENANE Northern zone l, 2020. Arusha Institute of Accountancy (AIA) scored second position while Arusha Technical College (ATC) was declared the third Winner. This is a good truck record to the NM-AIST as last year NM-AIST scored the first position too.

The Deputy Minister of Livestock and Fisheries of Tanzania, Hon. Abdalah Hamis Ulega and the Regional Commissioner of Arusha, Hon. Mrisho Gambo, exchanging some words with the Vice Chancellor of the NM-AIST, Prof. Emmanuel J. Luoga awarding him a trophy and certificate as recognition of the NM-AIST as overall winner in the category of Higher Learning Institutions which participated in the 26 Nanenane Exhibitions for Northern Zone 2019.

The PASET Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF) is an Africa-fled fund that aims to help create a critical mass of highly skilled scientists, professionals and innovators in the Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (ASET) fields. It is an initiative of PASET. The coordination of PASET-RSIF is done by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) on behalf of the African governments and other donors.

Scholarships are for 3-4 years in PASET RSIF priority thematic areas: ICTs including big data and artificial intelligence; food security and agribusiness; minerals, mining and materials engineering; energy includes renewables; and climate change. The goal is to provide up to 10,000 high-quality PhD training scholarships to African students in the next 10 years. After this year’s selection, by the PASET Regional Coordination Unit, a number of students will join the NM-AIST for their doctoral studies in Materials Science and Engineering (MaSE). Process of selection and scholarships allocation are underway.

PASET-RSIF offers a unique and historic opportunity for African countries to train new doctoral students in high quality PhD programmes in applied sciences, engineering and technology at an affordable cost in competitively selected African universities partnered with international universities. Beyond doctoral training, RSIF systematically nurtures research capacity by fostering partnerships between universities, domestic and international firms to find solutions to local challenges.

For the first time of its participation to National Nanenane Exhibitions, NM-AIST has been declared 3rd winner in the Educational Institutions category! Congratulations to Data Driven Innovation (DDI) Incubation Centre for pioneering the win! First winer was Sokoine University of Agriculture(SUA), and 2nd being Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA). Its yet a promising beginning!

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