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Prof. Patrick Ndakidemi

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Patrick A Ndakidemi (BSc Agriculture., Post Graduate Diploma in Soil Science., MSc Agriculture., and PhD). I am plant and soil expert and currently employed as a Professor in the School of Life Sciences and Bioengineering at The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) since April 2011. My research interest focuses on understanding the adaptation and physiological mechanisms of plants growing in highly intensified cropping systems in nutrient poor soils of banana, cereals, legumes and other crops in the ecosystem

In these systems, most nutrients including nitrogen and phosphorous are the most limiting factors to crop productivity. My key research areas includes:

1. Food crop adaptation to nutrient poor soils and climate change,
2. The ecological physiology of food crops grown in different cropping systems,
3. Phosphorus nutrition of food legumes and other crops,
4. Economic use of legumes in agricultural and natural eco-systems,
5. Promoting biological N2 fixation in agricultural systems by exploiting efficient macro and micro symbionts,
6. Use of organic fertilizer in agriculture by promoting soil microbial activity through the use of: Bio-fertilizers: Rhizobial and Mycorrhizal inoculants and Organic matter from different sources,
7. Tissue culture: nutritional and physiological aspects hindering the growth of plants in vitro,
8. Physiology of plants and microorganisms exposed to environmental pollution,
9. Integrated pest management using botanical pesticides and,
10. Allelopathic effects of weeds on other plant species.

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