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Ms. Juliana Godfrey

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Ms. Juliana Godifrey Shikoshi holds a Master’s of Life Sciences (Sustainable Agriculture) from The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) Arusha, Tanzania. She also did Bachelor of Science with Education (BSc. ED. Chem/Bio) at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). Ms. Juliana is currently working as an Assistant Lecturer at The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) in the School of Life Science and Bio-engineering (LiSBE). After joining NM-AIST in Sept 2019 she was tasked to coordinate Graduate Seminars for students. Prior to that she was a teacher at Kilakala Secondary School in Morogoro Tanzania, where she worked for 7 years teaching Biology subject for High School Students. She has authored Scientific contributions in international peer reviewed journals.

Research interests

Effects of Pesticidal Plants on Legume Pollinators’ Attraction in the Field and Bruchids Control in Storage

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